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2013年剑桥商务英语BEC高级模拟试题      2012-11-13    





  1.  This bank provides circulating funds to other banks of different countries.

  2.  This bank faces stress to take measures to drive down the currency.

  3.  This bank introduced emergency measures to fight against the monetary crisis,

  4.  This bank plans to raise funds to reimburse the capital injected by the government.

  5.  The government tried to restrict this bank's attempt to award its staff.

  6.  This bank suffered a run as a result of the exposure of some news.

  7.  This bank wants to maintain full control of itself.

  8.  This bank succeeded in bailing other banks out of their financial crises.


  9. 1

  10. 2

  11. 3

  12. 4

  13. 5

  14. 6

  15.  What does the first paragraph suggest about shoppers?
  A.They are always aggressive.
  B.Even heavily discounted merchandise can't arouse their interest in conventional retailers
  C.They choose to abandon conventional retailers even on Black Friday.
  D.Their passion for online retailers has been promoted by the slump.

  16.  In paragraph two, the writer mentions that in 2009 the offline sales is predicted to
  A.grow by 11%.
  B.continue to grow.
  C.fall by no less than 3%.
  D.grow feebly.

  17.  In the third Paragraph, the writer argues that online shops
  A.have boomed due to economic prosperity.
  B.never fail to provide prompt service.
  C.used to deal with luxury goods.
  D.provide consumers with more and more types of goods.

  18.  Some conventional retailers have reported rising profits this year because
  A.they maintain reasonable stock.
  B.they cut their retail outlets.
  C.they increase their revenues.
  D.they use discounting as an effective means.

  19.  In the fifth paragraph, the writer says that
  A.all retailers have made multichannel shopping possible.
  B.conventional retailers may eventually promote their sales in stores.
  C.conventional retailers shift their focus to online sales.
  D.there is no change in a customer's shopping style.

  20.  "Pop-up" stores can help to fight against economic gloom because they
  A.appear for a short time and then vanish.
  B.attract and urge consumers to make prompt purchase.
  C.cut the extra expense of running stores.
  D.are proved effective by online retailers.

  21.  A.sums         B.numbers         C.figures          D.values

  22.  A.  concerns     B.considers        C.supposes       D.involves

  23.                 C.with            D.for

  24.          B.assist           D.favor

  25.  A.closeness    B.likeness         C.similarities     D.resemblances

  26.  A.basis        B.base            C.basics         D.approach

  27.  A.reconciled    B.tuned         C.accumstomed     D.attuned

  28.  A.peaceful     B.harmonious      C.lively          D.relaxed

  29.           B.within           C.beyond         D.out

  30.  A.providing     B.contacting        C.fostering        D.leading

  31. 1

  32. 2

  33. 3

  34. 4

  35. 5

  36. 6

  37. 7

  38.  8

  39. 9

  40. 10

  41. 1

  42. 2

  43. 3

  44. 4

  45. 5

  46. 6

  47. 7

  48. 8

  49. 9

  50. 10

  51. 11

  52. 12






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