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2011年12月PETS5作文预测范文1      2012-02-02    



  Section IV Writing
  One possible version:
  People have different opinions on the effect of television on children. Some think that it is good for children to watch "IV while others believe that television is bad for children. In my opinion, most of the effect TV has on children is bad.
  By the time children reach school, they have spent up to one-third of their waking hours in front of the television. Because they just sit back and let thing happen to them while watching TV, they become passive. As we all
  know, children are inventive and they have the ability to imagine a whole world of their own. But what happens when their imagination is not needed, when TV does all the imagination for them? Obviously, these kids are not going to grow up as inventive and imaginative as their parents, for they have been robbed of creative impulses by television watching.
  On one hand, TV watching also forces kids into becoming consumers and then tricks them. They are surrounded by ads for dangerous toys, mind-less games, and unhealthy foods. They force their parents to buy them, for the children themselves are not wise enough to detect the falsity of so much advertising. On the other hand, by watching too much TV, children are over ex-posed to violence. They watch programs like murders, fights and many other crimes for hours every week, with no adult around to tell them that life is not like that. The effect of the heavy dose of violence is to suggest kids that violence is an ordinary way of life ,and that slugging, shooting and cheating are ways to succeed.
  The total effect of TV on children is dangerous. It is time for parents to take charge and supervise their children’s play instead of parking them by the tube and hoping it will act as a baby-sitter. The influence of TV is so important that parents will have to be on their guard to make sure that their children are not being harmed by exposure to it.






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