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专八作文范文:新疆之冬  新东方在线    2015-08-31    




  新疆之冬(winter of xinjiang)

  don't think that inner northwest china is as terrible as i believed just half a year ago. generally, people think of the vast desert and the freezing cold as well as the “uncivilized character”of the local people at the mention of xinjiang. it's really a great misunderstanding. it's true that the outdoor temperature sometimes drops to-30℃ in deep winter, but this comes late at night when you are already in bed. the temperature in the house is always about 25℃.

  most people here have heating in their rooms. those who don't have central heating can have as much coal as they like for their fireplacesand stoves.coal is very cheap even in the most distant countryside.

  you will be surprised at the first sight of a heavy snow fall. when you get up the next morning, you will see that the ground is a vast blanket of whiteness. with the white ground underfoot, and the chimneys here and there sending out brown smoke into the clear blue sky overhead, the whole scene may match the most beautiful moving picture in the world.

  winter in xinjiang is a paradise for children. whenever there is a heavy snowfall, children will stay outdoors, running, shouting, playing games. to them, the most exciting game is a snowball fight. they even play football on the snow-covered ground, not just boys, girls too! their shouts are heard from time to time.

  children here also like to go skating. their fine skating skills make grown-ups from the inland enviousof them.

  the local people in xinjiang are hardworking and hospitable. if you come to xinjiang for a visit, you will have a chance to taste the local dishes. the xinjiang mutton chops are really delicious, especially in winter.

  xinjiang is developing rapidly. come and have a look, my friends. you will enjoy your stay here. whatever you do, don't miss the winter of xinjiang.





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