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托福阅读素材:为何政坛女强人青睐短发造型  中国日报    2016-07-28    



   With a penchant for leopard print heels, latex thigh-high boots and £1,000-plus designer dresses, Theresa May is no stranger to political power dressing. But the Prime Minister's hairstyle, it turns out, is also the must-have 'power cut' for females in charge.
  Known as the political bob – or pob – the feathery, usually blonde, swept back look is now the favoured style of powerful women across the globe.
  White House hopeful Hilary Clinton has a perfectly coiffured, highlighted version of the pob, while SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel prefer a shorter cropped, schoolboy style.
  Hairdressers say the 'pob' is being used by female politicians to demonstrate they are in charge and mean business.
  Julia Carta, international celebrity hair and make-up artist, said: 'People are judged by their looks and the first thing people notice is hair.
  'Shorter, more precise styles give the impression that women can hack it in the man's world of politics. It gives the sign that they have a strong head on their shoulders, they are more intelligent, articulate and should be taken seriously.
  'Longer, flouncy locks, by contrast, give the impression that women are perhaps fresh out of school, less intimidating and, in turn, less in control. They draw the eye down to a woman's bosoms, so a shorter bob above the collar bone keeps attentions at eye level, up towards the brain.
  'These women are ruling the world, they don't want people to be distracted by their hair, so shorter, sharper power cuts all help them to be taken seriously.
  'Previous high profile female politicians, such as Mo Mowlam and Glenda Jackson, also favoured the bob, and Margaret Thatcher also had similar length hair, even though hers was set in rollers. It has been proven time and again that a shorter look gives women much more gravitas than those who have longer hair.'
  Hair stylist Teddy Mitchell also claimed that the 'pob' was useful to female politicians because it could be swept off their face and 'allows the camera' to see them.
  'A pob can also be tucked behind the ear, all the better to say: voters, I'm listening,' he added.
  For aspiring politicians, who are perhaps not as powerful, but harbour ambitions of making it to the top, a more feminine, longer bob is favoured. Newly promoted cabinet ministers, Amber Rudd, Elizabeth Truss and Karen Bradley all sport such barnets.






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