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Hot Fuzz

2009-06-01 来源:BBC中国网

Hot Fuzz 热血神探
Director Edgar Wright with actors Simon Pegg and Nick Frost at the National Movie Awards, London

Programme Introduction 节目简介

Vicki Sullivan and Chen Li talk about the film Hot Fuzz, written by and starring Simon Pegg. It's a comedy about the police, set in a quiet location in the countryside, but full of action. The film won the Best Comedy Award at the 2007 National Movie Awards in London.

Vicki Sullivan 和 Chen Li 今天给大家要介绍的影片是西蒙? 佩吉编剧并主演的《热血神探》。这是一部围绕警察生活的喜剧,影片在一个安静乡村拍摄但片中有各种惊险刺激动作展现。这部影片赢得了2007年2007年英国电影奖最佳喜剧片的殊荣。

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