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2011年翻译资格考试:中级口译英译汉模拟题(2)    考试吧   2011-04-15    



  Passage 4

  Innovation starts at the top, and it is important for leaders to create an environment where innovation is constant, where people have the skills and incentives to think creatively. In doing so, you attract talents that want to contribute to that environment, creating a virtuous cycle for the company.// Shanghai's leadership has worked hard to create an environment where businesses can succeed. For example, Shanghai's transportation links to the world, including Pudong International Airport and the new deep water port facility, have achieved world-class status// We live in an era where innovation is central to economic growth and prosperity. It is comfortable to hold onto the old ways of doing business. But innovation is hard because it usually leads to change. Innovation requires new ideas, new processes, and new institutions.// New technologies and approaches can radically change an existing market, creating new customers and competitions. But innovation and its accompanying disruption can be managed through good leadership, a long term strategy, and good people. President Hu Jintao stated at the beginning of this year that “Innovation is the core of the nation's competitiveness.”//

  创新从领导层开始做起。领导层必须营造一个可以不断创新的环境,以激励人们的创新思维。 这样的环境可以吸引那些乐于创新的人才,从而使公司得到良性发展。// 上海的领导努力为企业营造可取得成功的环境。例如,浦东国际机场和新的深水港等设施的建立,使上海与世界的交通连接达到了世界级的水平。//我们生活在一个以创新驱动经济发展和繁荣的时代。墨守成规确实舒服惬意,而改革创新则困难重重,因为创新往往引发变革。创新需要新思想,新程序和新机制。//新技术和新方法会剧烈的改变现行的市场秩序,既带来新的公司客户,也带来新的竞争对手,但是,如果我们有英明的领导,长期的战略以及优秀的人才,创新活动及其所伴随的冲击是可控的。******主席在年初时曾说过:“创新是国家的核心竞争力。”//

  Passage 5

  What will the role of universities be in this globalized economy? How will they contribute to improving society through innovation that will improve the quality of life and support economic growth? How will they prepare their graduates who will extract the best and explore the greatest in this increasingly complex society?// It is important to remember that undergraduate education and post-graduate education are tightly linked to research. Our education programs should ensure that the students are learning in an atmosphere characterized by the pursuit of new knowledge and process of discovery. An interrelated educational program will create a flow of young, bright and uninhibitedminds to work on the frontier of discovery.// The fundamental mission of a university is the creation of new knowledge which sometimes has immediate practical applications. But that can never be the only goal. And making it a primary goal will frequently be short-sighted. Basic contributions to knowledge should be valued for being exactly that. Our university has an almost unique role in fostering such contribution.// Choosing the right people is the first and perhaps the most crucial step in ensuring an innovative environment. There are three types of people that can be important. The first class of individuals consists of fanciful visionaries. The second class of important people in innovative environment consists of revolutionary explorers.The third class of individuals consists of uninhibited executors.







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