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少女心的校园爱情  21英语网  佚名  2015-09-24    



At first sight, the plotline of Our Times (《我的少女时代》) seems like a normal,  youth drama.




An ordinary girl meets a  boy at high school. They hide their love for each other, fearing their feelings are . They grow up and drift apart.



However, Our Times, a female version of You Are the Apple of My Eye (《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》), is duplicating its predecessor’s success. Since it debuted on Aug 14 in Taiwan, Our Times is now this year’s highest grossing local film in Taiwan and has taken social media by storm.不过被誉为女生版《那些年,我们一起追过的女孩》的《我的少女时代》正在复制《那些年》的成功。8月14日台湾上映以来,《我的少女时代》已经成为今年台湾当地票房榜冠军,并在社交媒体上火了一把。 



First-time director Frankie Chen, who “found success as a television drama producer” of popular dramas such as Fated to Love You (《命中注定我爱你》), is an expert at reminding viewers of their adolescent years. She applies her talents to this puppy love film, which marks her first outing as a movie director.本片导演陈玉珊作为电视制片人曾参与制作过多部极受欢迎的偶像剧,包括《命中注定我爱你》。初次执导电影的她十分善于勾起观众对青葱岁月的回忆。她在自己的电影处女作中发挥了自己把控初恋题材的天赋。 



The film revolves around a girl’s  first love, and it brims with all the cute, sentimental moments of adolescent romance.



Our Times depicts, in detail, the protagonist’s high school experiences with a mixture of pain and pleasure.《我的少女时代》着重描绘了主人公的高中生活,有欢笑,有泪水。 



In a way, this allows the film to surpass You Are the Apple of My Eye. In Apple, the story begins to  at its midpoint, as the lovers head to separate colleges. The 2011 hit was unable to maintain the humor of its first hour.



Lin Ange, 20, a student at Jinan University, has always been a fan of coming-of-age films. You Are the Apple of My Eye used to be her favorite. “I think Our Times is even better. We all have a classmate like Shen Jiayi in Apple who’s a teacher’s pet and desired by every , but [Our Times’] Truly Lin is more like myself – an average girl whose cheeks burn red with  when a campus hunk is present, who screams for pop idols and who tries to be brave and get dolled up for the one she likes.”



The mainland film market is also filled with coming-of-age stories. This year alone, Chinese cinemas have featured The Left Ear (《左耳》), Forever Young (《栀子花开》) and many more. These films do well at the box office but receive little critical acclaim.大陆电影市场从也不缺少青春片。仅今年就有《左耳》、《栀子花开》等电影先后上映。这类电影票房不俗,口碑却一般。 



“I think Taiwan film producers understand better how to seize the young audience, while mainland filmmakers tend to educate. Many youth films, even including the well-received So Young (《致我们终将逝去的青春》), convey the idea that there’s a cost to growing up. Actually I believe a light-hearted tone is more appealing to our youth. Abortion, , death... that’s rare event,” said Wu Guoping, 21, from Zhejiang Tongji Vocational College of Science and Technology.







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