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《行尸之惧》:又一波丧尸来袭  21英语网  佚名  2015-10-17    



Undead come alive on screen



Zombies were once a staple of cult cinema, a monster too gory for mainstream TV. But this norm is about to change, now that the American television channel AMC has achieved a smash hit with its new zombie drama Fear the Walking Dead. Its Aug 23 premiere set a cable record for amassing the biggest audience ever in the US, as well as attracting the largest number of global viewers, reported Variety.


The series follows a family of four: high school guidance counselor Madison Clark (Kim Dickens), her colleague and boyfriend Travis Manawa (Cliff Curtis), her straight A daughter Alicia, and her drug-addicted son Nick. They need to cope not only with family disputes but also the impending outbreak of an unknown pandemic, later known as the zombie virus.


To some extent, the success of Fear the Walking Dead was predictable. As a spin-off to AMC’s acclaimed series The Walking Dead, it stands on the shoulders of giants.


Yet, Fear the Walking Dead is a blockbuster in its own right. While most spin-offs simply repurpose supporting characters as protagonists in new plots, this series focuses on a brand new cast. It also sets the action at the dawn of the zombie apocalypse, rather than right in the middle of it.


A critical hit


This setting caters to both fans of the original series and those who are new to the franchise. Die-hard Walking Dead viewers might pick up clues about what causes the terrible outbreak. But for newcomers, The Telegraph reports that the new series offers “expertly pitched tension and finely observed human drama”.


From its very first scene, Fear the Walking Dead delivers “a kick in the gut”, according to Rolling Stone magazine.


The first scene sees Nick scramble out of an abandoned church full of “the infected” (what zombies are called in Fear the Walking Dead). He runs into the streets of Los Angeles, where everything appears to be perfectly normal. Then he gets hit by a car.


“It’s as though Nick gets granted a vision of LA’s terrible future, before being wrenched back into our more mundane reality–the one where distracted Angelenos rush to work and wrestle with their personal problems, blissfully unaware of the carnage around the corner,” wrote Rolling Stone critic Noel Murray.










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