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意大利地震续:强余震致多处建筑彻底被毁  新华网    2009-04-08    



Strong aftershock felt as Italy's rescue operation enters second day 





  A strong aftershock with a magnitude of 5.5 to 5.7 on the MMS scale was felt in Italy's Abruzzo region as rescue operations entered into the second day on Tuesday. While death toll rose to more than 200.

  Italian Primier Silvio Berlusconi called for national solidarity "to face the situation by ourselves."

  Local media confirmed that the aftershock in the evening damaged an ancient-time church and many houses partly damaged by Monday's main earthquake totally destroyed.

  Earlier in the day, Berlusconi said the danger is not over yet. "There can be other small earthquakes in coming days, so it is better that people do not return home," he told local residents.

  "The victims so far are 207," Berlusconi told a press conference earlier in the day in L'Aquila when visiting the towns hit by Monday's earthquake.

  "Of these victims, 190 have been identified while other 17 remain unidentified, 15 people are missing and there are more than1,000 injured, 100 of which are in serious conditions," he said.

  "Civil protection men are working hard and for the next 48 hours rescuers will search for other survivors," said Berlusconi.

  "More than 7,000 men are at work," he said. "These people risk their lives and I want to congratulate myself with them, they are doing an extraordinary job considering the frequent ground movements complicate rescuing operations."

  "Already 150 people have been extracted and saved from the ruins," he added.

  "In this hard moment we must all react with facts and actions. Rescue teams are saving everyone, no one will be left alone and this is the most important thing," he said.

  At the press briefing, Berlusconi also said "there are no problems regarding financial aid. The government has already activated the natural calamities' fund to face housing reconstruction and survivors' needs.

  "We must do all we can to guarantee a rapid help to those that are still under the ruins of the buildings. Rescue efforts are constant and must never cease, our men are using optic fiber video-cameras to search underground," he said.

  Talking about the progress of rescue work, Berlusconi said "1,000 firemen and 4,000 rescuers are being employed" in the areas hit by the earthquake.






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